Friday, December 18, 2009

SAD Diet

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is a detriment to our personal health and a burden to the entire "health" care system. Our diet consists of processed foods, refined sugars, genetically modified foods, artificial additives, antibiotic and hormone-laden meats and the list goes on and on. The "food" that so many people consume each day couldn't really be classified as food. We live in a society that is full of obese-starving people. People are malnourished, despite their excessive BMI. Parents send their children to school after consuming a high-sugar cereal that is popular, eating a school lunch that is highly processed and non-nourishing, and then grab fast food at night...and we wonder why there are behavior problems and ADHD that is so rampant.

Consumption of the SAD diet leads to three things: (1) oxidative stress; (2) systemic inflammation; and (3) activation of NFKB (nuclear factor kappa B). This oxidative stress and chronic systemic inflammation affects how all of our cells communicate with one another. It can lead towards hormone imbalances. It can lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction with associated gut dysbiosis, which turns into gastrointestinal inflammation, into leaky gut, into recirculation of toxins, into more inflammation and so on and so on. This vicious cycle is at work in so many of the "walking wounded" that conventional medicine looks at and calls "normal".

I recently had a patient recount to me that they were told by their medical doctor that they should just "learn to live with their pain", that it is "just normal". What a lie so many are being fed! If that's normal...I don't want to be normal! :)

We can have a direct impact on our health. We must educate ourselves, we must make healthy choices day in and day out. Basically just follow the Magnificent Seven (courtesy of Dr. Robert Rakowski) (1) Eat Right; (2) Drink Right; (3) Move Right; (4) Sleep Right; (5) Think Right; (6) Talk Right; (7) Poop Right.

Next time your doctor looks at you and says "it's normal" or "there is no evidence for that"...introduce him to the volumes of research that is readily available. One great starting reference is the Textbook of Functional Medicine published by the Institute of Functional Medicine. This well-referenced text shows the science behind healthy living and "alternative" ways of health, that really shouldn't be considered alternative.

Visit yourself. This site provides an index of all medical literature where you can search and read abstracts of scientific literature.

Don't know where to start? Try this...just start by increasing your clean water consumption each day and shooting for five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Most Americans eat less than one serving each day! The number one vegetable is potatoes. Why? You guessed it because of french fries and potato chips. The number on fruit? Tomatoes...yep, for the ketchup. Pretty "SAD" isn't it?

Make small changes in your diet, pretty soon you will be eating better, feeling better and living better.

What are some tips you have to eat and live better? Leave a comment below and share!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Blog Repost from Dr. David Brownstein

I am copying below an informative blog post from Dr. David Brownstein. I would encourage you to subscribe to his blog updates. He has some good information and you can see that there is a definite, concerted effort on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry to prevent natural medicine from being adopted in the conventional health care system.

You can visit his site by going to

Another Nail In The Coffin for Cholesterol-Lowering Medications
How many studies have to be done which show a drug is a failure before doctors will stop using it? It is a very interesting question in light to the news headlines today about the block-buster cholesterol drug Zetia (Zetia is also part of the drug Vytorin).

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM. 2009;361) released a study today (11.16.09) which showed Zetia, a drug that brought in over $3.5 billion for Big Pharma Merck in 2008, causes more harm than good. In fact, this study compared Zetia to the b-vitamin Niacin and its effects on atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries. The authors of the study reported that the Niacin-treated group had showed a 2% decline in buildup of the carotid arteries while those treated with Zetia had no effect. Furthermore, there were fewer heart attacks in the niacin-treated group (2) as compared to the Zetia group (9).

You might guess that Zetia must have raised cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels. Wrong. Zetia lowered both cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol more than the niacin-treated group. What is going on here?

What happened in this study is explained in my book, Drugs That Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do. Cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol are not bad chemicals. They are necessary agents for the body. Chemically blocking their absorption (the mechanism of Zetia) is a recipe for disaster.

This study is another nail in the coffin of the cholesterol=heart disease hypothesis. You must educate yourself about the mechanism of action of the most commonly prescribed drugs in order to make an appropriate decision if taking that drug is right for you. Thirteen million prescriptions for Zetia were written in the U.S. in 2008. This is a travesty. This is a drug that not only does no good, it causes harm. This drug should be removed from the market. If you are on Zetia or Vytorin I suggest you ask your doctor to reevaluate your situation.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Think You're Not Toxic?

Scientific American
Greenwire - December 2, 2009

Tests Find More Than 200 Chemicals in Newborn Umbilical Cord Blood Study commissioned by environmental group finds high levels of chemicals in U.S. minority infants By Sara Goodman

U.S. minority infants are born carrying hundreds of chemicals in their bodies, according to a report released today by an environmental group.

The Environmental Working Group's study commissioned five laboratories to examine the umbilical cord blood of 10 babies of African-American, Hispanic and Asian heritage and found more than 200 chemicals in each newborn.

"We know the developing fetus is one of the most vulnerable populations, if not the most vulnerable, to environmental exposure," said Anila Jacobs, EWG senior scientist. "Their organ systems aren't mature and their detox methods are not in place, so cord blood gives us a good picture of exposure during this most vulnerable time of life."

Of particular concern to Jacobs: 21 newly detected contaminants, including the controversial plastics additive bisphenol A, or BPA, which mimics estrogen and has been shown to cause developmental problems and precancerous growth in animals. Last month, researchers reported that male Chinese factory workers exposed to high levels of the chemical experienced erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems.

"BPA is a really important finding because people are really aware about its potential toxicity," Jacobs told reporters. "This is the first study to find BPA in umbilical cord blood, and it correlates with national data on it."

Jacobs said the study focused on minority children to show that chemical exposure is ubiquitous, building on 2005 research on cord blood from 10 anonymous babies. That study found a similar body burden among the babies. This is the first study to look at chemicals in minority newborns.

"Minority groups may have increased exposure to certain chemicals, but here we didn't focus on those chemicals," Jacobs said. "The sample size is too small to see major differences, but we want to increase awareness about chemical exposures."

Leo Trasande, co-director of the Children's Environmental Health Center at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said the findings, while preliminary, show that minority communities are often disproportionately affected by chemical exposure. Trasande was not involved in the EWG study.

"Presently, minority communities suffer from a host of chronic disorders, and disproportionate chemical exposures may contribute significantly to the origins of the disparities that exist," Trasande said.

Both he and Jacobs said the findings add momentum for the call to revamp the Toxic Substances Control Act, or TSCA, the law regulating the more than 80,000 chemicals on its database. They released the report on the same day that a Senate panel is scheduled to discuss the government's strategy for managing the tens of thousands of chemicals in the marketplace with an eye toward overhauling TSCA.

TSCA does not require most chemicals to be tested for safety before they are approved for widespread use. Because of this, Trasande said, less than half of the 3,000 high-production volume chemicals on the marketplace have toxicity data, and less than one-fifth have toxicity testing data on the effects on developing organs.

"These results are alarming for their implications of health impacts on children," Trasande said.

Another challenge facing chemical regulators is understanding how the different chemicals interact together, which is particularly significant given the number of chemicals found in people.

"What we're finding are complex mixtures of chemicals that sometimes have similar toxicities," Jacobs said. "There's an increased recognition that mixtures are a problem. ... It's very difficult to evaluate, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. We should also try to decrease the toxicity of individual chemicals."

Note from Dr. Sefcik:
I think it is important to understand that eliminating toxins from our body, reducing the toxic load, and avoiding unnecessary exposure is paramount to a healthy body. Not only should detoxification be a focal point in a therapeutic intervention for disease, but also a pillar in a foundational wellness program. Our family takes measures to detoxify every single day. The research is very clear...detoxification is important. However, be aware there are many unscientific claims regarding detox programs. There are many dietary fads that are out there, as well as claims from everything to magnets to foot baths to foot pads. It is important to have some objective lab testing pre and post detox to ensure that you are not making your problem worse. More questions? Send them via email or call the office for a phone consultation. Take charge of your health!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Swine Flu Uncovered

Here is a report with Dr. Mercola and a CBS investigative journalist. ( I think it is worth your time to watch and listen to this four part report on what we are hearing from the media, and what the numbers are really saying.

This is just one more example that you must take charge of your own health! We promote lifestyle changes and encourage you to eat right, drink right, move right, sleep right, talk right, think right and poop right every single day! It is absolutely vital that each person consumes a high-quality multiple vitamin/mineral, pure omega 3 fatty acids, and phytonutrients each day. Adequate probiotics (good bacteria) and vitamin D are also important.

You must take time to look at the conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry and our "health" care system. Many people have been deceived into thinking that a single pill, for example an antidepressant, will take care of all their problems. Or worse yet, that feeling lousy all the time is just "normal". It is not normal to be fatigued all the time, not sleep well, only move bowels a few times each week, suffer with brain fog, and chronic gastrointestinal issues. Changes can be made with diet, lifestyle and safe, effective and natural supplementation. The choice is yours. LEC offers a safe choice.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Why Are My Muscles Tight?

Do you suffer with chronically tight muscles? This is a very common complaint among all walks of life...from the high school athlete, to the weekend warrior, to the pregnant mother, to the retiree. There are many underlying issues that may be precipitating your muscle tightness. Because of the many underlying causes a little detective-like sleuthing may be required to get to the bottom of things.

One of the major causes of chronic muscle tightness is balance disorders. Yep, that's right, some disconnect between what your brain receives as proprioception (spatial awareness) and its output to your muscles. Want a simple home test to see if you have some balance problems? Stand next to a counter that you can hold, if needed. Then close your eyes and try to stand on one leg. You should be able to do this for eighteen to twenty seconds, if you can't consider balance issues. You can have vestibular problems that don't manifest as dizziness, vertigo, or falls. A chiropractic neurologist is specially trained to look at subtle clues on your physical exam that may point to underlying vestibular (balance center) problems. The input your brain receives from your joints determines the integrity of your brain, as well as the output and control to all your muscles. A balanced brain is a healthy body.

It is also important to note that muscles are significantly affected by stress and toxins. If you have a hormonal imbalance because of chronic real, or perceived, stress then you are setting the stage for significant alterations in all the hormones of your body, and this can effect the health of your muscles.

Toxin accumulation can also lead to muscle problems. We are exposed to a vast and wide array of toxins each day. These dangerous chemicals are ubiquitous and affect every man, woman, boy and girl. We know from multiple studies done from groups like the Environmental Working Group ( that even newborn infants have extremely high levels of toxins already accumulated in their cord blood testing.

Toxin accumulation can lead to improper muscle function and lymphatic congestion...all which can lead to muscle tightness.

You can alleviate muscle tightness. You can improve your balance, manage your stress and/or detoxify your body. Salivary hormone testing, bioelectrical impedance analysis and blood testing can identify the biochemical causes of muscle tightness. A thorough history and chiropractic neurologic examination can identify structural imbalances.

Take control of your health and motivate yourself for change!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do You Own Your Dream?

I'm reading a great book right now from John Maxwell, "Put Your Dream to the Test". The first question you should aski to put your dream to the test is do you own your dream? Is your dream really your dream?

Many people dream of feeling better, having more energy, enjoying life, hitting the gym...but their dream is never put to the test. Excuses are made, discouragements are encouraged, and old failures are allowed to reign. But a powerful point is made in his book. You must have a stake in the game. This means investing something of value. Anytime that happens a person's level of commitment goes way up. Why? Because if you own something it requires that you give it energy, money, time, and commitment. When you have a stake in the game your attitude changes. You no longer have an easy come, easy go attitude but you're invested in it.

Are you invested enough in your health? Are you willing to place a stake in the game? That means you might have to look at your budget and ensure you can purchase foundational nutrition for your health (multiple vitamin/mineral, fish oil, and phytonutrients). you might have to invest in that gym membership or equipment to get you moving right. You might have to commit to spending a little extra on organic food for your family.

I strongly feel though that placing a stake in the game with your health is a very valuable thing to do. My dream is to be active well into my nineties and be able to enjoy my great-grandchildren. My dream is to avoid heart disease, cancer and autoimmune disease. I've got a stake in the game. I invest my time, money, commitment and energy into helping myself, my family and my patients. Just ask my boys how important their daily routine of vitamins, dynamic greens, and fish oils are. They are learning to make some commitments. They are starting to develop their own dreams. I've got to make right choices, lead by example and keep myself healthy...I've got two monkeys to take care of and one more one the way...and right now my monkeys are jumping on me and wanting their fish oil.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Be Thankful for Each Day

Some news I heard today made it very obvious that our life is just a vapor. The moments we spend forging relationships, playing with children or holding hands with our spouse are truly what is most important.

No individual is guaranteed tomorrow. Time and chance happen to all men. Our life on this earth, whether short or long, will be judged not by the money in our bank accounts, the number of cars in our garage, or the number of material things we own. Rather we will be remembered by the moments we shared with those we love. We will be remembered for the times we've spent with a friend and a good cup of coffee, the game of catch in the backyard with your boys, or the romantic homemade meal with your wife.

Take time to identify your core values and make sure your daily life aligns with these values. Identify what's really important. Today we are facing recession, job lay offs, uncertain futures and increased stress burdens. But if we can realize that if we keep those we love close to us, we have more than most, and for that we are blessed.

You get one life. Make it count.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

GGT and Oxidative Stress

A recent review article stated that GGT levels in the upper "normal" range correlate with oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress destroys your body, ruins your mitochondria and wreaks havoc in every area it touches.

The GGT is a simple blood test that we add as a profile to other simple tests that can provide us with a wealth of information. If you are tired of being sick yet your doctor constantly tells you your labs tests are "normal" then call LEC and we can help. Taking a functional medicine approach to your health could be the best health care decision you make.

Charles M. Sefcik, DC, DACNB, CCN
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist
Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Life Enhancement Clinic, PC
1023 East Capitol Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Shorter Days Already!

It's amazing that summer is already drawing to a close. Kids are back in school, recent vacation memories are still with us, and the surest sign that ND winter is coming...the days are already getting shorter! With the shortened days comes the decreased sun exposure and with that comes significantly lower levels of vitamin D being synthesized by your body.

Vitamin D is considered to have hormone properties and every single cell in your body contains receptor sites for vitamin D. It is imperative you maintain adequate vitamin D levels throughout the year. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to chronic musculoskeletal pain, autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, neurodegenerative diseases, and inflammatory disease processes.

Vitamin D should be supplemented in the D3 form. Dosing depends on your current vitamin D levels. Optimal levels are 55-60, but if you have autoimmune disease the optimal recommendations are closer to 75-80! For some people that means up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily! But be sure to have your blood levels tested before taking high doses of vitamin D. If you must be on high levels for any prolonged period of time your doctor should also keep an eye on your serum calcium levels and your parathyroid hormone. Some people will do quite well supplementing 1000-2000 IU daily, especially in ND winters, but this may not be a high enough dose to be effective for many people.

Vitamin D is also a great immune system enhancer and has shown promise in boosting your immune system and preventing illnesses such as the common cold, the flu, and yes even "swine flu" or the H1N1 virus.

So do yourself a favor, as the days get shorter, get in and have your vitamin D levels checked. This is perhaps one of the singular most important tests you could ever do.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Are you protecting your health?

There is a daily onslaught on your health. From the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, and the exercise you do or don't get. Chronic diseases will not be helped with conventional medicine. There will never be a magic pill it requires action on each individual's part to make the necessary lifestyle changes to promote health.

One important health aspect is adequate detoxification. In the US alone over 1 BILLION tons of pesticides are used each year! Pesticide use increases risk of Parkinson disease. We live in a nutrient depleted society!

Check out the recently posted webinar, "Our Premise for Wellness" and see what you can do to make some positive changes in your life.

Health is a valuable commodity. Don't take it for granted.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Are You Getting Enough Fish Oil Supplements?

One of the most important things you can do for your health is daily consumption of omega-3 fatty acids (optimal dosing 2-4 grams per day of EPA and DHA).

Did you know that omega-3 fatty acids (fish oils) provide cardiovascular protection by at least seven different mechanisms and prevent cancer by at least seven different mechanisms? Two of these mechanisms are the same so there are at least thirteen different ways that fish oils protect you from heart disease and cancer!

Cardiovascular Protection: (1) anti-arrhythmic; (2) anti-thrombotic; (3) anti-atherosclerotic; (4) anti-inflammatory; (5) improves endothelial function; (6) lowers blood pressure; (7) lowers triglyceride concentrations (2-4 grams per day). (Din JN, et al. Omega 3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease – fishing for a natural treatment, BMJ 2004; 328:30-35.)

Cancer Prevention: (1) reduces inflammation; (2) reduces angiogenesis; (3) decreases oncogenes; (4) induce differentiation; (5) suppress NFKB; (6) suppress bcl-2 (apoptosis blocker); (7) reduces cachexia. (J. Nutr. 132:3508S-3512S, November 2002)

I recommend only a pharmaceutical grade fish oil that is guaranteed pure, potent and effective. In order to assure this a company must submit their manufacturing processes to NNFA, GMP certification and meet rigorous standards. They must also third-party test their product to insure that the final product (what you are consuming) is free of lead, PCB, dioxin, and mercury. My favorite fish oil product is from Metagenics and is the EPA-DHA Extra Strength with enteric coating. This prevents the fish “after-taste”.

Just a quick work about the fish “after-taste”. You may try freezing your fish oils, in addition to using enteric coated ones, prior to taking them to reduce this from happening. However, in some cases the fishy after-taste is due to a problem with digestive function, most often a deficiency in pancreatic enzymes.

Our fishing industry is close to ruins with mercury and heavy metal contamination. It is impossible to get the dosage of fish oils required for optimal health without supplementation. If you take an inferior fish oil product you also run the risk of contaminating yourself with heavy metals, most notably mercury.

EPA and DHA is important for developing brains as well so every pregnant and nursing mother should be taking daily pure fish oil supplements.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What Are Your Excuses?

There are times in my office where I will be confronted with a patient that states, "I just can't do that!" They may be referring to daily exercise, they may be referring to the First Line Therapy program with lifestyle and dietary changes. Whatever the reason they feel they can't make these changes. For example, a diabetic ordering a piece of dessert after their meal needs to realize how detrimental that is to their health. But they may say, "I can't eat healthy like that!" If I countered with this question, "What if I gave you 1 million dollars to go sugar-free for one month, could you do it then?" Their answer would invariably be a resounding yes! But what is your health worth to you? What is it worth to you to live life to the fullest? What is it worth to you to remain productive, happy, clear-minded, and strong? I recently read a quote from Tony Robbins, a motivational speaker, that stated, "Nothing tastes as good as being strong and healthy feels." I like that.

The problem today is that so many people have felt so sick for so long they don't even remember what it's like to feel revived, refreshed, and renewed. They have been fatigued and dragging for so long they have nothing to compare to how it feels when you "eat right, drink right, move right, sleep right, talk right, think right and poop right" (The Magnificent Seven, thanks Dr. Rakowski! :))

What are some of the reasons people feel they "can't" do it? Perhaps it seems too overwhelming. We have to understand that lifestyle changes take time! It takes 45 days to break an old habit and develop a new one, and during that 45 days it's not all smooth sailing! You will face ups and downs, discouragement and disappointment. The important thing is to recognize your focus...what is your purpose? Then, keep your eyes on that goal!

Samuel Johnson, an English poet stated, "The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken." What habits are you propagating? What chains are you placing on your health and well-being? I like to think that any chains can be broken. It will take more discipline, more work and more dedication...but the fact is can be done!

Start today to make small changes. It's the small daily "habits" that lead to profound health changes down the road. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables? Take your family down to a farmer's market and pick out a new fruit or vegetable and experiment with different recipes as a family. Go into your yard, or even on your porch, and dig out a little garden where you can grow your own vegetables. I know my two boys love to garden with my wife. It's a learning experience for them to go out every day and check the progress of their work, and then when the harvest comes they know that it means homemade salsa and great organic fresh veggies for lunch and supper! We are helping them to make good habits now.

So your exercise for today. Grab a piece of paper and draw a line right down the middle. On the left half of the page write down all your excuses that are holding you back from fulfilling your dreams. Then on the right side have a counter response to that negative excuse. Save that list and pick one excuse each week that you are going to cross off and develop the right side positive response. You may have 50 excuses, so this may take you an entire year, but you know what? Your health is worth more than a million dollars.

Make today a great day!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Think Twice About Those 'Tater Chips!

Daily Consumption of Potato Chips Encourages Inflammation, Atherosclerosis

According to the results of a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, chronic consumption of fried foods, such as potato chips, sharply increases inflammation. Foods exposed to high heat during cooking contain acrylamides: toxic chemicals linked to the proinflammatory state. Increased inflammation is a risk factor for atherosclerosis, the root cause of most cardiovascular disease.

Investigators recruited 14 healthy subjects who consumed approximately six ounces of potato chips daily for one month. Potato chips have a relatively high acrylamide content. At the end of study period, various markers of oxidative stress and inflammation, including oxidized, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-sensitivity interleukin-6, and plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP), were significantly increased in all subjects. Four weeks after the end of the study, inflammation markers “decreased to some extent,” researchers noted.

“These novel findings seem to indicate that chronic ingestion of acrylamide-containing products induces a proinflammatory state, a risk factor for progression of atherosclerosis,” investigators concluded.

-Dale Kiefer

*Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Mar; 89(3):773-7.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Affected by hypertension?

Hypertension has been called the silent killer. There are many natural diet, lifestyle and nutrient options for treating, or more importantly, preventing hypertension. Keep an eye on our website at for our June webinar on hypertension.

Have a safe holiday weekend. Go find a veteran, shake their hand and thank them for their service. God bless America!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Celebrate Any Progress

I ran across a great quote from Ann McGee Cooper. She stated, "Celebrate any progress. Don't wait to get perfect." even small choices add up to make big changes. Get motivated to make progress today. Go buy a stainless steel water bottle and commit to yourself to drink more water. Make small progress and celebrate when you do it. Go buy a pedometer and set your goal at 10,000 steps. Start small and celebrate the progress. Wanting to buy that new pair of shoes? Reward yourself after a month of accomplishing your short term goals. Whether it be drinking that water (half your weight in ounces), walking those steps (10,000), spending more quality time with the family, etc. Celebrate the progress. Perfection doesn't happen overnight. But you can look back over your life in one month or six months and be better or remain stagnant. The choice is yours. You only get one life. Choose wisely!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Blogging from BlackBerry

With all the methods of posting, I'm going to try and make updates on my blog utilizing my constant blackberry.

Why? Define Your Purpose

We all experiencing the waxing and waning of motivation in our endeavors. One important question to keep on the forefront as you make health changes it consider "Why?". Defining what your purpose is. Why are you wanting to lower your cholesterol? Why are you wanting to prevent diabetes? Why are you making lifestyle changes, committing to regular exercise and saying no to that piece of cake? Perhaps you are driven by being "sick and tired of feeling sick and tired." Maybe you have watched a loved one with a chronic disease and their suffering. You reason why may be so you can play with your kids, feel alert when you're reading that new novel, work in the garden and enjoy that round of golf. Whatever the reason it helps to define your purpose, write it down and keep it on the forefront! You will face obstacles along the way and without a clearly defined purpose it will be easy to become discouraged and throw in the towel.

Asking "Why?" and defining your purpose serves many benefits.

It defines your success. You've heard it said before if you aim at nothing, you're sure to hit it. Define your purpose and your chances of succeeding greatly improve. Want to lose that twenty pounds and keep it off...defining your purpose will define your success.

It creates decision-making criteria. Every project or large goal requires small steps to reach the larger goal. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Make small attainable goals, with your clearly defined purpose, and make sure that the small changes you are making are in alignment with your larger purpose.

It motivates. Motivation is a huge factor! Structure serves as something you can fall back on in times that motivation is low. Set up a system of time management, goal management and resource management so you can stay motivated, or at least when you aren't feeling the "most motivated" you can not fall off the wagon.

It clarifies focus. Can you see yourself healthier? Can you see yourself without daily body aches and constantly tired? Can you see yourself getting more accomplished during your typical day? Defining your purpose, asking why, helps to clarify your focus and brings things into perspective.

It expands options. People are often afraid of change, so they stay in their box. They eat the same foods, go to the same places, have the same daily routine. When your purpose is clearly defined the path to reach it can take a variety of routes. You can make each day exciting and fulfilling. There are many options. Eating healthier opens up many new foods and recipes. Exercising opens up many options to become active with friends and family. Look for options and take advantages of those open doors.

People love to win. If you're not totally clear about the purpose of what you're doing, you have no chance of winning. Be clear about your purpose!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Exciting new changes at LEC!

We are excited about all the new changes happening right now at LEC. We are in the process of turning our practice into a "paperless" practice. We have completed the hardware and software installations for Future Health software which will allow us to keep electronic health records. We will soon be going through a staff training for a number of weeks and we are looking forward to going "live" shortly after that. Electronic health records will allows us to better serve you and provide better access to your entire medical record, as well as send those records to your providers at your request.

We are also incorporating webinars for patient education. Check out the webinar link on our site to register for upcoming webinars and to review archived webinars. We will be hosting a weekly First Line Therapy webinar on Wednesdays from 1:00PM to 1:30PM for all those patients involved in the FLT program.

We want to do our best to CONNECT. EDUCATE. MOTIVATE. and we are excited about the use of the blog and webinars to do so. We're even looking into Twitter and FaceBook for you really advanced users. :)

We are looking for ways to allow for questions to be posted online, answered by myself or other practitioners and then archived and a lot is going on!

Keep an eye on our site and we appreciate your trust!