Saturday, May 23, 2009

Celebrate Any Progress

I ran across a great quote from Ann McGee Cooper. She stated, "Celebrate any progress. Don't wait to get perfect." even small choices add up to make big changes. Get motivated to make progress today. Go buy a stainless steel water bottle and commit to yourself to drink more water. Make small progress and celebrate when you do it. Go buy a pedometer and set your goal at 10,000 steps. Start small and celebrate the progress. Wanting to buy that new pair of shoes? Reward yourself after a month of accomplishing your short term goals. Whether it be drinking that water (half your weight in ounces), walking those steps (10,000), spending more quality time with the family, etc. Celebrate the progress. Perfection doesn't happen overnight. But you can look back over your life in one month or six months and be better or remain stagnant. The choice is yours. You only get one life. Choose wisely!

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