Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Swine Flu Uncovered

Here is a report with Dr. Mercola and a CBS investigative journalist. (http://www.editurl.com/5te). I think it is worth your time to watch and listen to this four part report on what we are hearing from the media, and what the numbers are really saying.

This is just one more example that you must take charge of your own health! We promote lifestyle changes and encourage you to eat right, drink right, move right, sleep right, talk right, think right and poop right every single day! It is absolutely vital that each person consumes a high-quality multiple vitamin/mineral, pure omega 3 fatty acids, and phytonutrients each day. Adequate probiotics (good bacteria) and vitamin D are also important.

You must take time to look at the conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry and our "health" care system. Many people have been deceived into thinking that a single pill, for example an antidepressant, will take care of all their problems. Or worse yet, that feeling lousy all the time is just "normal". It is not normal to be fatigued all the time, not sleep well, only move bowels a few times each week, suffer with brain fog, and chronic gastrointestinal issues. Changes can be made with diet, lifestyle and safe, effective and natural supplementation. The choice is yours. LEC offers a safe choice.

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