Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Swine Flu Uncovered

Here is a report with Dr. Mercola and a CBS investigative journalist. (http://www.editurl.com/5te). I think it is worth your time to watch and listen to this four part report on what we are hearing from the media, and what the numbers are really saying.

This is just one more example that you must take charge of your own health! We promote lifestyle changes and encourage you to eat right, drink right, move right, sleep right, talk right, think right and poop right every single day! It is absolutely vital that each person consumes a high-quality multiple vitamin/mineral, pure omega 3 fatty acids, and phytonutrients each day. Adequate probiotics (good bacteria) and vitamin D are also important.

You must take time to look at the conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry and our "health" care system. Many people have been deceived into thinking that a single pill, for example an antidepressant, will take care of all their problems. Or worse yet, that feeling lousy all the time is just "normal". It is not normal to be fatigued all the time, not sleep well, only move bowels a few times each week, suffer with brain fog, and chronic gastrointestinal issues. Changes can be made with diet, lifestyle and safe, effective and natural supplementation. The choice is yours. LEC offers a safe choice.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Why Are My Muscles Tight?

Do you suffer with chronically tight muscles? This is a very common complaint among all walks of life...from the high school athlete, to the weekend warrior, to the pregnant mother, to the retiree. There are many underlying issues that may be precipitating your muscle tightness. Because of the many underlying causes a little detective-like sleuthing may be required to get to the bottom of things.

One of the major causes of chronic muscle tightness is balance disorders. Yep, that's right, some disconnect between what your brain receives as proprioception (spatial awareness) and its output to your muscles. Want a simple home test to see if you have some balance problems? Stand next to a counter that you can hold, if needed. Then close your eyes and try to stand on one leg. You should be able to do this for eighteen to twenty seconds, if you can't consider balance issues. You can have vestibular problems that don't manifest as dizziness, vertigo, or falls. A chiropractic neurologist is specially trained to look at subtle clues on your physical exam that may point to underlying vestibular (balance center) problems. The input your brain receives from your joints determines the integrity of your brain, as well as the output and control to all your muscles. A balanced brain is a healthy body.

It is also important to note that muscles are significantly affected by stress and toxins. If you have a hormonal imbalance because of chronic real, or perceived, stress then you are setting the stage for significant alterations in all the hormones of your body, and this can effect the health of your muscles.

Toxin accumulation can also lead to muscle problems. We are exposed to a vast and wide array of toxins each day. These dangerous chemicals are ubiquitous and affect every man, woman, boy and girl. We know from multiple studies done from groups like the Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org) that even newborn infants have extremely high levels of toxins already accumulated in their cord blood testing.

Toxin accumulation can lead to improper muscle function and lymphatic congestion...all which can lead to muscle tightness.

You can alleviate muscle tightness. You can improve your balance, manage your stress and/or detoxify your body. Salivary hormone testing, bioelectrical impedance analysis and blood testing can identify the biochemical causes of muscle tightness. A thorough history and chiropractic neurologic examination can identify structural imbalances.

Take control of your health and motivate yourself for change!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do You Own Your Dream?

I'm reading a great book right now from John Maxwell, "Put Your Dream to the Test". The first question you should aski to put your dream to the test is do you own your dream? Is your dream really your dream?

Many people dream of feeling better, having more energy, enjoying life, hitting the gym...but their dream is never put to the test. Excuses are made, discouragements are encouraged, and old failures are allowed to reign. But a powerful point is made in his book. You must have a stake in the game. This means investing something of value. Anytime that happens a person's level of commitment goes way up. Why? Because if you own something it requires that you give it energy, money, time, and commitment. When you have a stake in the game your attitude changes. You no longer have an easy come, easy go attitude but you're invested in it.

Are you invested enough in your health? Are you willing to place a stake in the game? That means you might have to look at your budget and ensure you can purchase foundational nutrition for your health (multiple vitamin/mineral, fish oil, and phytonutrients). you might have to invest in that gym membership or equipment to get you moving right. You might have to commit to spending a little extra on organic food for your family.

I strongly feel though that placing a stake in the game with your health is a very valuable thing to do. My dream is to be active well into my nineties and be able to enjoy my great-grandchildren. My dream is to avoid heart disease, cancer and autoimmune disease. I've got a stake in the game. I invest my time, money, commitment and energy into helping myself, my family and my patients. Just ask my boys how important their daily routine of vitamins, dynamic greens, and fish oils are. They are learning to make some commitments. They are starting to develop their own dreams. I've got to make right choices, lead by example and keep myself healthy...I've got two monkeys to take care of and one more one the way...and right now my monkeys are jumping on me and wanting their fish oil.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Be Thankful for Each Day

Some news I heard today made it very obvious that our life is just a vapor. The moments we spend forging relationships, playing with children or holding hands with our spouse are truly what is most important.

No individual is guaranteed tomorrow. Time and chance happen to all men. Our life on this earth, whether short or long, will be judged not by the money in our bank accounts, the number of cars in our garage, or the number of material things we own. Rather we will be remembered by the moments we shared with those we love. We will be remembered for the times we've spent with a friend and a good cup of coffee, the game of catch in the backyard with your boys, or the romantic homemade meal with your wife.

Take time to identify your core values and make sure your daily life aligns with these values. Identify what's really important. Today we are facing recession, job lay offs, uncertain futures and increased stress burdens. But if we can realize that if we keep those we love close to us, we have more than most, and for that we are blessed.

You get one life. Make it count.